Training for Professional Organizers

Need help starting or expanding your professional organizing & productivity business?

Training with Jana can save you hours of time and frustration.

Maybe you started off with a bang but now are now struggling to make ends meet in this unique service industry. Sometimes, dry periods can cause you to lose confidence.

Jana Hartwell is a NAPO member and Certified Professional Organizer (CPO) with over 20 years in business as the owner of Sensible Organizing Solutions,Inc. She has been there, done that and is still doing it!

You might know how to organize things and design space — But can you transfer these skills to others and run a successful business doing so? Why re-invent the wheel? Running a Professional Organizing business is not always as easy as it may seem. But not to worry: You can ask Jana anything, including:

How to structure and effectively manage your business; where to find start-up resources; where you should put your marketing efforts, how to use client contracts and other business forms. Also, find out how to do a thorough Client Intake and Needs Assessment Consultation.

SOS offers various types of training for organizers at any level: Here are a few:

  • One-on-one coaching via phone, video call, email or in person
  • Group coaching
  • Small group training workshops
  • On-the-job apprenticing 
  • Sharing forms & contracts
  • Q&A sessions

Contact Jana for a list of training opportunities and fees.

…or call now 858-300-5757


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