Click on first image in each row to view all photos in that grouping

CHILD’S ROOM  The 9-year-old son of one of my corporate clients was eager to work with me on organizing his room. In just two hours, we assembled a rolling cabinet for his bedside, found homes for all the items that once was clutter and gave him his floor back.

KITCHEN   A place to serve up good nutrition!

PANTRY  Nothing dramatic. But, small changes can make a huge difference!

HOME – CLOSET  This closet was neglected for over 5 years. In one afternoon, we purged over 50% of dust-collecting items!

OFFICE – HOME  Amazing progress in just a few sessions!

OFFICE – DESKTOP   Paper Management for a busy home office

OFFICE OF AN ATTORNEY  This brilliant attorney was being criticized by her partners about how her office made them all appear less than brilliant. In one day, we decluttered, organized her desk and moved her archived file boxes to a less visible storage area.

OFFICE OF AN EXECUTIVE  Decluttered and functional, all in one afternoon!

OFFICE OF A PRIEST  Creating a calm, restorative place in which to counsel his parishioners.

OFFICE OF AN INVESTOR  This client traveled quite a bit and does not enjoy filing. He opted for periodic maintenance sessions to keep his office uncluttered.

OFFICE OF A PROPERTY MANAGER  This client’s work performance improved dramatically once her office was organized. Her focus improved and, according to her co-workers so did her overall attitude!

OFFICE OF A FAMILY  Many activities occur in this family office space. Now there is space for all to enjoy.

GARAGE PROJECT  This project was done in several stages:  1) Purge the excess to make room for a car to park, 2) Remove the thin, white, wall shelving, 3) Install gorgeous, deep cabinets on back & right walls, 4) Move walnut cabinets leftover from kitchen remodel over to left wall. Now, two cars can park here!


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