This cannot be stressed enough. Approximately 80% of the information we hold on to will never get referenced again!
Our society has developed a mindset of KEEP. And because computer storage capacity has grown exponentially, we CAN keep stuff – forever!
We keep everything.
We keep because we can.
We keep because, well … you never know.
As a result, our email folders – and even our In boxes – are overloaded. We store outdated information that may never get looked at again.
Change your mindset from one of KEEP to DELETE.
Assume that every email arriving in your inbox will automatically be deleted once you’ve read/acted/deferred it.
Keep only the exceptional information.
Any message you can bring yourself to delete is one less message to file, one less message to slow down your searches, one less message to fret about in the future.
Change your mindset. Keep less stuff. Get more done.
Jana Hartwell, CPO®
Sensible Organizing Solutions, Inc.