With LOVE as our theme for this month, think about how you demonstrate your love for the special people and things in your life.

Can there be a love which does not make demands on its object?   ~ Confucius

What demands (or conditions) do you place on the things you profess to love? Are these “treasures” hidden in boxes, bins, closets or cabinets to collect dust and rob you of valuable “loving” space?

This month, sort through some of your buried treasures. Make a commitment to cherish the items you truly love by finding a suitable place in your home or office to honor (display) them.

And, if you are lacking space to display treasures…Let go of some things not so cherished to make room for what you really LOVE!

Result: People around you feel more cared for when you let go of extra stuff (stagnant weight) that blocks the flow of love.

Jana Hartwell, CPO
Sensible Organizing Solutions