Patterns of greed, over-consumption and instant gratification create financial and spiritual havoc that leave many insecure and empty. Instead of feeling the joy of abundance, we often feel the sting of debt and a restless soul.

We’ve been led to believe that if it is on sale and we can get a “good deal”, there is no reason not to buy it — whatever IT is. Advertising hype may impel us to part with our hard-earned income in exchange for items we don’t even appreciate after a day or two. These unappreciated things end up cluttering our lives and blocking personal growth.

Instead of allowing yourself to get caught up anymore in the frenzy of acquiring more things (even gifts for others), try focusing instead on giving more time, energy and quality attention to loved ones and friends. Notice all the blessings you have, both material and immaterial and be grateful.

Gratefulness erases the void that no thing can fill and replenishes you with great fullness.

The more you honor what you already have, the less you will want for more.

So I ask again… Can gratefulness reduce clutter?

Jana Hartwell, CPO

Sensible Organizing Solutions